ASCOT (The new Adult Social Care Outcomes Toolkit)

質問紙の日本語版 あり [日本語質問票] 

【SCT4】: 介護等のsocial careを受けている方々

【Carer】: 介護者


【SCT4】"control over daily life", "personal cleanliness and comfort", "food and drink", "personal safety", "social participation and involvement", "occupation", "accommodation, cleanliness and comfort", "dignity"(2項目)の9問。


【Carer】"ooccupation", "control over daily life", "looking after oneself", "personal safety", "social participation and involvement", "space and time to be yourself",
"feeling supported and encouraged"の7問。

各質問の水準数 4
価値づけ(valuation)方法 BWS法とTTO法


【SCT4】Shiroiwa T, Moriyama Y, Nakamura-Thomas H, et al. Development of Japanese utility weights for the Adult Social Care Outcomes Toolkit (ASCOT) SCT4. 2020;29(1):253-263. [Pubmed]

【Carer】Shiroiwa T, Nakamura-Thomas H, Yamaguchi M, et al. Japanese preference weights of the Adult Social Care Outcomes Toolkit for Carers (ASCOT-Carer). Qual Life Res. 2022 Jan 12:1-9. doi: 10.1007/s11136-021-03076-w. [Pubmed]

日本人集団における標準値 なし


【SCT4】Nakamura-Thomas H, Morikawa M, Moriyama Y, et al. Japanese translation and cross-cultural validation of the Adult Social Care Outcomes Toolkit (ASCOT) in Japanese social service users. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2019;17(1):59. [Pubmed]

使用許諾 必要 (University of Kent) [for non-profit] [profit]
使用料 非営利目的の場合は無料、その他は要問い合わせ。