Nivolumab (OPDIVO)

Item Medicine
Brand name OPDIVO
Generic name Nivolumab
Final report date 03/27/2019
Target population (1) Unresectable advanced or metastatic non-squamous, non-small cell lung cancer
Comparator Docetaxel
ICER JPY 15 million/QALY and over
Target population (2) Unresectable advanced or metastatic non-squamous, non-small cell lung cancer
Comparator Docetaxel
ICER JPY 15 million/QALY and over
Target population (3) Unresectable or metastatic renal cell cancer
Comparator Evelolimus
ICER JPY 15 million/QALY and over
Target population (4) Melanoma
Comparator Dacarbazine
ICER JPY 11.25 million/QALY and over, less than JPY 15 million/QALY